Comparison and analysis of different Quality of Service (QoS) techniques

This project performs the comparison and analysis of the impacts of different Quality of Service (QoS) techniques, such as priority queueing and token bucket filtering, on a simulated network environment. The challenge of effectively managing data traffic becomes crucial and interesting as a result of the growing complexity of modern networks and an increasing number of applications with diverse needs competing for shared resources. In order to simulate real-world network conditions, this project utilizes Mininet for network simulation and applies several Quality of Service (QoS) techniques to the hosts.

Pac-Man implements key AI concepts like search algorithms and utilizes search algorithms like DFS, BFS, UCS, and A* and compare their performance against each other for different types of tests.

We use the Pac-Man project from UC Berkeley’s AI course. Pac-Man implements key AI concepts like search algorithms. We utilize search algorithms like DFS, BFS, UCS, and A* and compare their performance against each other for different types of tests like finding the closest food pellet or finding the most optimal path to the goal. Pac-Man is a pretty straightforward game with a clear goal but the implementation process helped us understand the different types of constraints that were involved and how to overcome problems related to speed and efficiency when playing the game.

Snowfall Data Analysis and Visualization

Comparative Analysis of the Historical Snowfall Patterns using Big Data and ArcGIS


Artifact: CodeGraphBERT - a pre-trained code representation model. I chose refinement in GraphCodeBERT.

Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set

Predict whether the cancer is benign or malignant using different Data mining techniques

A literature survey on the heuristic methods and their respective pros and cons in regionalization algorithms

Regionalization algorithms play a pivotal role in the field of spatial computing as they perform spatially constrained clustering by aggregating spatial units. The precise definition of spatial boundaries is useful in several domains, ranging from political science to different branches of geography. This paper is a survey that is aimed to review multiple heuristic methods which are utilized in the regionalization algorithms.

AthleticAlyze: A Twitter Sports Search Engine

The BERT indexer system and the web application for query interface are built to deliver efficient search results for a specific query entered by the user. We are providing two choices to the user to create and display indexes for the same query entered - Lucene indexer and BERT indexer